Saturday, September 17, 2011

Guess Who...

Hello darlings, 

So, I was looking through some old family photos and I came across a picture of my mother ...and I thought i'd show you how much we actually look alike! Its crazy lol :) 
Shes on the left. Im on the right! 
Weird right? 

Have a good night :) 

TaTa!- The lovely maiden! 

Friday, September 16, 2011

God is the MOST important!

Hello there friends :)

Sitting here at work and a thought came to me. In all we do, God should be the center of it. No matter what it is. You need to ALWAYS put God first. You may think "I can do this on my own, I don't need God". That is false. You can do nothing without God and to be completely honest ... You would be nothing without God. Same goes for me. No matter how good of a person you are and no matter how strong, nothing can be accomplished without god, not only being in it but being the very center of whatever it is your trying to accomplish.

I hope you all have a great night :)

Tata -The Lovely Maiden.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Youth Alive :)

Hello people :)

I went to youth alive in Los Angeles CA. Due to stupid LA traffic we were late to service (shh) so we only heard the very LAST part of the message. It was very good and the fellowship after was great! Then the next day we went to .... DISNEYLAND :) wooo. Again, i forgot to take a lot of pictures so the ones I do have I'm going to post. If you didn't go to youth alive this year you MUST go next year :) you will have a blast.

 Miki and my pluto pillow pet on the way home :)
 Yes, the car was a mess thanks to (cough cough) james and
his 3 month old hot Cheetos
My birthday pin :)
(the happy birthday's from EVERY worker got annoying after a while)

From left to right. James, K'Deja, and Joshua :)on the way home.

Hope you enjoyed my post. I promise next time I will have more pictures :) 

Tata -Kristyna Smith

Friday, July 1, 2011

I got a car :)


Well, I actually got a car a couple weeks ago but I forgot to blog about it. 
I bought it from my neighbor who is 80 and she's going in to a retirement home. It's an 1991 Acura Integra with only 81,000 miles on it :) it is in pristine condition. I love my car and am glad to finally get around with out having to ride with people and depend on others to get me to where I need to go. So, here is a picture. :) 

Also, it's july already?? Where has time gone?

TaTa :) ,

The Lovely Maiden 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011



I have been in disneyland for the past couple of days. (four days) I had a great time and I only took 2 pictures :( I always forget to take pictures.. But i'm excited to go back in september for youth alive and for my birthday (i bought a annual pass). They re-opened a ride called Star Tours it's in 3D now. It was epic and definitely worth the 85 minute wait! It was great weather 70-80 degrees mostly and when I came back home it was raining & 60 degrees!! Crazy change..

The Castle :) 

(please pardon this terrible picture of me) 
Me and Ashriel. Her favorite ride...Splash mountain. We were both soaked. 
Anyways, since I don't have a lot of pictures I guess that's all i can really say. hope you all had a great weekend and are having a great week.

<3 always,
The lovely maiden.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Fathers Day!

I would like to say HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all you fathers, step fathers, grandfathers, great grandfathers, fathers to be...ect :)

 (short post sorry)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

IM BACK :D (the long yet short post of my time away from blogging and you wonderful bloggers)

Well, Hello Ladies and Gents,

It has been far too long since I have blogged... I send sincere apology's to all of you blogger's out there.
I am going to give you an update on things that have gone on in my life since I've been away. Here it goes...

(they are not necessarily in order)  

I donated blood for the very first time..
I was so scared but once they poked me with a needle the width of a pencil I was too queasy to think lol the guy next to me had been saying that he was a "boss" and he wouldn't pass out. To my amusement, he did. The second he saw the needle he passed out :D it was quite funny. When the procedure was over they said I could take off the bandage in 6 hours... so I did and I guess it wasn't quite ready to be removed and blood shot out of my arm. Anyways, the photo below is my battle wound..

I've been making cupcakes for a while now and recently I decided to make a business out of it.. This is an order that I did for my friends birthday party :) 

I made the stand too.


I made a new friend named Monsi from Arizona and she happened to love cupcakes..(who doesn't?) lol So for her birthday I made a her an extra large red velvet cupcake w/cream cheese frosting :) she loved me from that moment forward :D

I finally (kinda) finished redoing my bedroom it took me like a year lol. But here it is.. I still need to add a few things but eh.. its good enough to show people lol.


My very close friend Coco (Tselot) who I love dearly graduated.. :') We knew each other before pre-school, we went to pre-school - 8th grade together then we departed and went to the same online school and at the last minute I switched to a different school so we ended up not being able to graduate together.. :( I am very sad about that.. (we always had graduations together) Sigh.. anyways here is a picture of him and his family. So, Coco, I wish you the best and congrats. 

My grandfather had a major heart attack on May 13th (yes it was friday the 13th.. makes you wonder huh?) Him and my grandmother were on vacation in half moon bay and they were getting ready to come home and were packing their bags and then it happend.. my grandmother called 911 and they rushed him to Seaton hospital and imeddiatly took him to get stints put in his heart.. He had a couple blocked arteries and they had to open them up.. God really was helping him through. They said if he had gotten to the hospital a second later he would have been dead. He went in on friday and was out by tuesday with 100% clean and clear arteries. :) But being in the hospital for days at a time there comes a point in which you must entertain yourself.. Which is what me and my friend are doing here.. lol 

Don't judge.. lol
My uncle john had cancer and he needed an operation.. he has had many health issues in the past and they said they weren't sure if he would make it through.. HE DID :) god worked yet another miracle in his life. He has had countless miracles over the years just pray he will see that he needs to come back to god and that it has been god that has been pulling him through all of this.
Well I think thats about it :) I hope you all enjoyed the update. Please keep my family in prayer also a lady in our church is in the hospital the doctors say she wont make it much longer her name is Patty Malerich she has 2 teenage daughters and a husband that need her terribly.. Please keep her in your prayers as well. I hope you all had a great weekend and i'm looking forward to blogging more :)
-Kristyna Smith
(ps: i also got my license.. ) WOOO